The roboworld Universe

The roboworld universe is made of the World. World consists of a discrete rectangular Grid cells, a goal position, and Robo a roboter that can move from cell to cell.

Robo’s World

The World can be seen as a rectangular bounded cellular automaton (a discrete rectangular Grid cells where each cell is in a state).


Each cell can be in exactly one of the following states:

LEAF (green)

a leaf can be picked up by Robo if he stands on it. Robo can carry an infinite amount of leafs. Leafs are traversable.

STONE (orange)

a stone in front can be picked up by Robo but Robo can only carry one stone. Stones are not traversable.

WALL (dark grey)

a wall is an immovable barrier, i.e., it is not traversable.

EMPTY (light grey)

the cell is empty and traversable.

Robo is positioned at the blue cell where the intensity indicates its orientation. The goal is positioned at the purple cell.

Cells in the state LEAF and EMPTY are traversable while cells in the state STONE or WALL can not be occubied by Robo.

We use the matrix-like indexing that starts from 0, i.e. row before column, such that cell[1][2] is the cell in the second row and the third column.

Display the World, scale=0.5, visualizer=<function World.<lambda>>) matplotlib.figure.Figure

Returns a displayabel representation (a figure) of the world.

  • scale (int) – Optional scaling of the figure.

  • visualizer (Function (Robo, float) -> Figure) – Optional function that contructs the figure.


A displayabel representation (a figure) of the world.

Return type


roboworld.World.animate(self, scale=0.5, animator=<function World.<lambda>>) matplotlib.animation.FuncAnimation

Returns a displayable animation of the recorder that was lastely added to the roboter. A recorder records the movements and actions of the robo. The generated animation reflects this. The Animation is defined by the animator (strategy pattern)

  • scale (int) – Optional scaling of the figure.

  • animator (Function (Robo, float) -> FuncAnimation) – Optional function that contructs the animation.


A displayable animation of the recorder that was lastely added to the roboter.

Return type



Instead of constructing the animation you can display it within a Jupyter notebook by calling roboworld.animate(world).

roboworld.animate(world: any

Displays an animation of the world in a Jupyter notebook.


length (World) – The world that will be animated.

Access the World


Returns the Robo of the world.


The Robo of the world.

Return type



It is recommended to access robo using world.robo where world is a World.


Returns True if and only if the Robo found its goal.


True if and only if the Robo found its goal.

Return type



The goal position as well as Robo do not contribute to the state of a cell. Therefore, a cell in state LEAF remains in state LEAF even if Robo or the goal is positioned at this cell.


Students should only interact with World indirectly by using Robo.


Robo is a quite limited machine that can only execute a few basic intructions. These instructions can be categories into movement (change yourself), self-observation (sensor yourself), observation of the world (sensor the world), world manipulations (change the world) and utilty instructions.


roboworld.Robo.move(self) roboworld.vector.D2DVector

Moves Robo one cell ahead.

  • WallInFrontException – If there is an (immoveable, not traverseable) wall in front (WALL or boundary of the world).

  • StoneInFrontException – If there is a stone (moveable, not traverseable) in front.


Robo’s new position.

Return type


roboworld.Robo.turn_left(self) None

Robo turns 90 degrees to the left (counter-clockwise order NORTH->WEST->SOUTH->EAST).

Sensor Yourself

roboworld.Robo.is_facing_north(self) bool

Returns True if and only if robo is oriented towords the north.


True if and only if robo is oriented towords the north.

Return type


roboworld.Robo.is_carrying_stone(self) bool

Returns True if and only if robo is carrying a stone.


True if and only if robo is carrying a stone.

Return type


roboworld.Robo.is_carrying_leafs(self) bool

Returns True if and only if thre the robo carries any leafs.


True if and only if thre the robo carries any leafs.

Return type


Change the World

roboworld.Robo.take_leaf(self) None

Takes a leaf at Robo’s current position.


LeafMissingException – If there is no leaf the Robo’s position.

roboworld.Robo.put_leaf(self) None

Puts a leaf at Robo’s current position.

  • NoMoreLeafsException – If Robo does not carry any leaf.

  • CellOccupiedException – If there is an object (leaf, wall, stone) at the current cell.

roboworld.Robo.put_stone_in_front(self) None

Puts the carrying stone down in front.

  • SpaceIsEmptyException – If Robo does not carry a stone.

  • WallInFrontException – If there is a wall in front, i.e., no stone.

  • StoneInFrontException – If there is another stone in front.

  • LeafInFrontException – If there is a leaf in front.

roboworld.Robo.take_stone_in_front(self) None

Takes a stone that is in front.

  • SpaceIsFullException – If Robo does already carry a stone.

  • WallInFrontException – If there is a wall in front, i.e., no stone.

  • LeafInFrontException – If there is a leaf in front.

  • StoneMissingException – If there is no stone in front.

roboworld.Robo.set_mark(self) None

Marks the current cell, i.e., position.

roboworld.Robo.unset_mark(self) None

Unmarks the current cell, i.e., position.

Sensor the World

roboworld.Robo.is_wall_in_front(self) bool

Returns True if and only if there is an (immoveable) wall or the boundary of the world in front.


True if and only if there is an (immoveable) wall or the boundary of the world in front.

Return type


roboworld.Robo.is_leaf_in_front(self) bool

Returns True if and only if thre is a leaf in front.


True if and only if thre is a leaf in front.

Return type


roboworld.Robo.is_stone_in_front(self) bool

Returns True if and only if there is a stone in front of robo.


True if and only if there is a stone in front of robo.

Return type


roboworld.Robo.is_mark_in_front(self) bool

Returns True if and only if there is a mark in front.


True if and only if there is a mark in front.

Return type


roboworld.Robo.is_at_goal(self) bool

Returns True if and only if robo is standing at the goal.


True if and only if robo is standing at the goal.

Return type



roboworld.Robo.toss(self) bool

Returns randomly True or False.


Either True or False by chance 50/50.

Return type


Students have to prorgamm more sophisticated methods by themselves by combining multiple instructions. The learning goal is that they, step by step, build a set of functions to navigate within different Worlds. And by doing so, they hopefully pick up the most important programming fundamentals.